Wholesale Peas & Shoots

Naturally Best Fresh offers nothing but the freshest ingredients to add to your next meal, which includes our peas & shoots selection found below

Edamame Bean Sprouts
Garlic Shoots
Living Pea Tendrils
Chickpea Pea Shoots
Cut Salad Pea Shoots
Cut Tendril Pea Shoots
Golden Pea Shoots
Living Salad Pea Shoots
Sunflower Shoots
Sweetcorn Shoots
Chinese Beansprouts
Wheatgrass (Living)

Fun Facts About Peas & Shoots!

Peas and shoots are vegetables we put in our dishes every now and again for a bit of a healthy snack, but how much do we really know about them? Aside from being one of the healthiest vegetables in any green selection, here are some interesting facts about today’s pea and shoots.

  1. Just ONE serving of peas contains as much Vitamin C as two large apples, more fibre than one whole loaf of bread, and more thiamine than a whole meal. 
  2. The UK is the largest producer of peas for freezing.
  3. Peas can be eaten STRAIGHT out of the pod.
  4. It is estimated that over 9000 peas are eaten per person in Britain annually.

Different uses for Peas & Shoots

There are a lot of reasons why you should add more peas in your daily meal (aside from its cheerful colour and natural vitamins!).


  1. Pea shoots are versatile, so experiment using these ingredients raw or cooked.
  2. Salads are the most common use for pea & shoots, and are usually a great substitute for other leafy greens. Pea & shoots add a burst of sweet pea flavour to salads
  3. You can create a soup dish with pea shoots to add a light and nutritious finish.


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